29 March, 2006

Sometimes I just feel stupid

Sometimes I just feel stupid

Sometimes I feel like a rung in a ladder

Sometimes I wonder if I actually do have "walk all over me" on my forehead

Sometimes I feel very naive

I may be naive, but I'm not stupid

Some people out there need to GROW UP

Those people can kiss my ass

It sucks, b/c days like this make it hard to trust people

I will still be an optimist

I will not be broken


P.S. teaching english overseas next year is looking really good

24 March, 2006

So much going on!

And the ball keeps rolling!

After not getting any substantial film/tv stuff in the past few YEARS, I've had some great luck in the past week. I just finished filming my part as one of the Paddlewheel women in Guy Maddin's My Winnipeg, and I got a call from Absurd Machine studios to audition for this crazy Sci-Fi series they're doing. I was wondering where in the crap they got my name/number from, but it turns out that one of the guys working on this semi-disaster of a film I did last summer is involved, so he dropped my name. I don't have a part or anything ... YET - but it's a great opportunity because they contacted me, which means my toe is in that door. It just goes to show that "you never know where an opportunity will come from" philosophy! I also will be doing a short for MindShackle films this summer. They're making a series of shorts for a "CryptKeeper" type compilation. I'm excited, b/c I get to play a very different character than what I've played before (even more off the Mel-dar than Desire people. Crazy!)

My goal is to keep the film/tv ball rolling, so that I can continue to develop Theatre by the River. The best advice I ever received was "invest in yourself" and that is what I'm going to do. Theatre by the River is such a great opportunity for us young guns in the theatre world to create and produce some awesome shows!

This weekend I'm going to MTYP's Typo and WJT's Via Dolorosa with my favourite theatre reviewing partner, my Matthew!! Stay tuned for our reviews!

What I'm beginning to realize is that a lot, or most, of my life revolves around theatre and film. Next year, when I'm no longer taking university courses (graduating!) I plan to get a hobby or take a class in something completely not related to performance art. Drop me a line for any suggestions! I'd actually like to get back into painting, if I can find an affordable class. Or maybe I could find another team in the Winnipeg women's league for volleyball or another sport. So many possibilities. Either that or I'll just spend copious amounts of time in the library reading up on Yoga, Buddhism, and writing all of the play ideas I've had but never finished - everything I've dabbled in but never had the opportunity to really persue fully. Don't think I'm a complete geek. Once I don't have the constant pressure of due dates, I do intend to rent more movies and regain my CSI addiction.

18 March, 2006

Normally I don't drink coffee

Normally I don't drink coffee, it does nasty things to me. Throws off my sleep patterns, makes me a little shakey. BUT when you're bloody bleeping tired at the end of term, with summer projects piling up, and winter projects wrapping, life can become a little STRESSED.

Next week I have to actually teach the class I TA for, because Ian got asked to go teach at national for the week (National Theatre School in Montreal for the non-tespians out there), finish a paper, meet with both MAC and WAC in one day to go over project grants and, you know, work, go to school, voice class - all the other stuff that keeps me busy week to week. But, I'm also very excited for Wednesday, because I get to film the scene I'm in for Guy Maddin's My Winnipeg. So exciting! It's set on the Paddlewheele in the '40's, so I get to wear this amazing navy blue skirt-suite with a wicked hat. AND I get paid a decent amount of money, FINALLY. On the same day, Sunday, as I got to go for my costume fitting, I also auditioned for an independant film. It went pretty well, and I got a call-back right away, which is a good sign. But then the director, Sean, called me and offered me either the part I auditioned for or the lead in the next short they're filming. Sunday frickin' ruled! (Except for when I waited for the bus for over half an hour at the north end of Main. Brrrrr, it was cold that day. Damn transit.)

Gmail is screwing me. I cannot get into my gmail account from my home computer. I can get into ANY other Google page, but not Gmail. I can get into Gmail from other computers, b/c I logged in fine from the Library. I can only access my gmail account by going in throup GoogleTalk. Frickin' weird and annoying!! Bah!

So, this post is essentially about the ups and downs of my crazy wacky life, and how I try not to mess with it by ingesting too much coffee. 20 minute power naps are defanitely the way to go.

Peace out folks!

09 March, 2006

The failure of humanity

I saw Romeo Dallaire speak at the university today. Well, I didn't actually see him, as there was such an overwhelming amount of people that the university had to open classrooms so the over-flow could watch the presentation live (It was being broadcast over the internet and pod-cast). His lecture was titled From Rwanda to Darfur: The Failure of Humanity, and his goal was to address human rights reform.

He is possibly the best speaker I have ever had the priviledge of seeing, and I was totally engrossed and inspired. But I am also devistated by how much the people of Rwanda suffered, and how much the developed world, who swore "Never Again" after WW2, failed:

  • 800, 000 people were slaughtered in 100 days
  • "As the death toll mounted, General Dallaire submitted a detailed plan for a Rapid Reaction Force. He needed 5,000 soldiers to dismantle the killing machine of the genocidaire and to stop the Hutu power movement. The UN Security Council rejected the plan. The United States even refused to acknowledge the genocide to avoid any legal obligations to help. " (CBC)

  • When Dallaire was finally granted soldiers to help in the war, he told officials he needed them within 12 days. They arrived 2 months later.
  • The wars in Yugoslavia and Kosovo were happening around the same time. Thousands of UN soldiers were pouring in to help. Why? What made Africa different?
  • All humans are the same. All humans are responcible for humanity and human rights
  • 80% of the world lives in inhumane conditions.
  • 2.5 MILLION people were refugeed after the genocide

  • More news coverage was given to Tonya Harding's knee-cap attack on Nancy Kerrigan and the OJ drama then on the thousands of people dying everyday in Rwanda.
  • Child soldiers were fighting this war. Pregnant 10 and 11 year old girls were used as human shields. Many UN soldiers suffer horrible PTS today re-living the days when they were forced to kill these children b/c they were being attacked.
  • There are still child soldiers today.

It's important for us all to remember these failures, in order to never let them happen again. It is only after everyone in this world is truely viewed as equal that peace can ever happen. So, whether it's the homeless person on the street, the kid squeegying on the corner, or the children in the refugee camps on the news, they are all like you. And YOU can change the world.

06 March, 2006

Ready to think?

From Rwanda to Darfur: The Failure of Humanity.

On Thursday, March 9 @ 7pm, Romeo Dallaire will be speaking at the University of Winnipeg. I encourage everyone to try to make it out to hear him speak. I've seen many television interviews with him on his work in Rwanda during the genocide, and his plight to get aid into the devistated country. He is truely an amanzing human being, and he will open your eyes to the world around you. Just go to the UofW's homepage for all the details, as well as dates and times for associated workshops!

I had the CRAZIEST shift ever on Saturday. I run the Y's Saturday swimming lesson program, which means I am responcible for managing the lessons, teachers, permanent records and all of the testing. But aside from that, I lifeguard the rest of the pool. It's usually no problem, I'm pretty organized. But this Saturday, the shit hit the fan. Here's an abreviated list:

  • 1 teacher had to leave early (I had to juggle the teachers and classes to compensate).

  • 3 teachers showed up late (grr)

  • 1 women passed out in the showers (we're the first-responders in the building, so guess who had to deal with that? ME! P.S. if you go tanning in the morning, then go from the steam room, to the hot tub, then back to the steam room WITHOUT EATING OR DRINKING you're being nasty to your body and your body will not like it!!!)

  • 1 man lost his key swimming and was freaking out b/c he had $350 CASH in his locker (who does that? P.S. that's why the lifeguards carry pins - pin your key to your shorts, don't just put it in your pocket!)

  • 1 woman was distraught after a man tsk'd her and then told her that "you people should really shower before you go in the hot tub" (re: the woman was african, and the man is an A-rate JERK who I have fought with on numerous occasions. I now have a full-proof incident report with his name and her name and HOPEFULLY he will finally lose his membership or at least get a huge ball-twist from the general manager).

  • In between the crazy incidents the pool was wicked busy for some reason and AHHH one of the mother's was following me around telling me that "the hot tub needs spray" "there's a hair clump on the deck" and - get this - "there are TOO MANY volunteers in the pool with the classes" (yeah, I really want to discourage volunteers woman - get real!)

Thankfully, after my shift was over, I had the chance to go to the gym and run like a mad fool, and then go to MTYP to see Frog and His Friends, a great Danish show touring through. I love children's theatre, and am so excited for The Elfin Knight! Oh! And I'll be playing Dromio of Syracuse in Comedy of Errors! So excited - I get to be Rod's side-kick! I totally expected to be one of the sisters and didn't see it coming - now it's time to get to work creating the best season ever!

I almost forgot, the reason for said post title. Going into the Oscars on Sunday after showing all of the clips for the fims nominated as Best Picture, the ABC host comented that this year "America seems ready to think." I just thought it was funny. But I'm very glad that CRASH won, it deals with the many angles of racism and fear in America (and around the world) and I think everyone should see it!

03 March, 2006

Could be the green city

So I've nearly fallen on my butt a million times the past few days because almost NONE of the sidewalks are plowd.

Winnipeg could be a green city. I know we've won some illustrious award for our trees and revitalized downtown and stuff (Did we even with that this year? I have no idea).

But Winnipeg could be so much better! Take for example the "lets not plow the sidewalks" thing. Shouldn't walking be encouraged? Not just encouraged, but not HAZERDOUS! Especially downtown, where the majority of pedestrian traffic is. It's hard enough encouraging people to walk without the added insentive of broken bones and sludge-drenched pants. Also, think of senior citizens and those with wheele chairs or other disabilities.

Has anyone been on the bike/rollerblade trails in Brandon? They are awesome! You can actually get around almost the entire city by bike and rollerblades. They aren't the greatest trails if you'er in a super rush, b/c at times the trail meanders down the scenic route, but still GREAT! Yes, Winnipeg is a lot bigger, but it would still be manageable to connect various parts of the city with trails to encourage healthy activity as well as environmentally friendly ways of commuting. I heard an urban myth-type roumer that there's, like, a 500m bike-only lane along main street or another major avenue. Wow!

Winnipeg needs to make it safe for those choosing to commute in a way that both helps the environment and lessens the traffic on our over-used highways. AND bus fare went up! It now costs $2.00 for a ride! What the hell!,p> If anyone knows of any petitions to sign or organizations to join in order to support Winnipeg becoming a greener city, leave a link in the comment box!!