14 January, 2008

Stop the Idle!

This story caught my eye this past week.

School Division an Idle-Free Zone by Nick Martin

Sometimes it seems like the Green wave is doomed to wallow is society's need to consume, and it can be very frustrating for Environmentalists out there trying to make a difference. But, then, stories like this catch your eye - young people making a difference in their community, and seeing that ripple turn into a wave!

Grade 8 students at Bernie Wolfe School have launched a campaign to stop idling on school grounds. Brittany Hogeveen, Andrew Kyrzyk, and Ana Dueck got involved in a global warming project last year and were inspired them to make their school an Idle-Free Zone - and it's taken off! Not only was the administration at their school convinced, but now the entire division is idle free! Alright!

The Free Press reported this story on Thursday, January 10th and it made my day. From the article:

Come spring, students in Sokalski's Grade 10 geography class will be at the corner of Academy Road and Stafford Street interviewing motorists idling at red lights, and holding up signs ... Meanwhile, early in September the members of Kelvin's HASTA (Hopeful, Aware Students Taking Action) were on Kingsway and Harrow Street, asking parents dropping off and picking up students to cut their engines if they're pulling over for more than 10 seconds.

And, he said, they were suggesting that parents stop a block away, to reduce congestion that causes delays and idling.

"We stand on the boulevard with a sign and a smile," said Sokalski, who's noticed more parents turning off their engines.

And, hey, some parents reported that they're taking the No Idling spirit with them, cutting the engine at red lights and railway crossings. Remember: turning off your engine for waits longer than 10 seconds is a net benefit! Facts from Climate Change Connection:
  • Excessive idling wastes over $100 a year per vehicle.
  • Idling produces more emissions per minute than driving
  • Engine exhaust contains more than 40 hazardous air pollutants
  • Contaminants in vehicle emissions have been directly related to significant respiratory health effects
  • Ten seconds of idling uses more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it
  • If every driver of a light-duty vehicle in Canada stopped idling for just five minutes, we would save 1.8 million litres of fuel and prevent more than 4,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
  • Every 10 minutes of idling costs you at least one-tenth of a litre in wasted fuel.
  • Excessive idling can be hard on your engine
  • Restarting a car many times has little impact on engine components such as the battery and the starter motor.
Note: The students are not targeting those warming up cold vehicles; but, rather, cars which are already warmed up. So even though you live in cold Manitoba - no excuses! Stop the idle!! Once again, if you think that you can't make a difference to the environment, this is another thing that we all can do that makes an impact. NO excuses!!!


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