09 September, 2008

Democracy? Are you there?

When I signed the petition to DEMAND DEMOCRATIC DEBATES, I left the following comments:

"How is it possible that Elizabeth May not be allowed to take part in the debates? Is this not a democracy? Did Stephen Harper choose to not attend the Olympics in China due to his opposition to the way their government opporated? Are we really standing up and saying that we are better - that we are an example? I think not!

The Greens are more than a one issue party, but most Canadians continue to view them this way. Why? Because they haven't heard from them in the media on any other issue! The media needs to stand up and take responsibility for the power they have over the public due to their ability to reach such vast numbers.

Are they going to cave into the Harper government, who threaten to "take their ball and go home" if May is allowed to take part? Are they that scared? Well, if they believe so strongly in their policies than they should be willing to stand up to her - or are they worried their policies won't stand up?

Absolutely ridiculous. I'm ashamed to be a Canadian today."

Do you agree? Please sign the petition, join the Facebook group, send an e-mail to your local media and, most important, TELL A FRIEND! I think many people do not realize this miscarriage of democracy is happening in our country. We're better than this. You don't have to be a Green or even believe in Green policy. You just have to agree that the media has a responsibility here. As a Canadian, it's up to you to DEMAND DEMOCRATIC DEBATES!


At 5:44 PM, Blogger Saskboy said...

Fortunately our collective outrage solved this problem. Now what will come next...


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