03 March, 2006

Could be the green city

So I've nearly fallen on my butt a million times the past few days because almost NONE of the sidewalks are plowd.

Winnipeg could be a green city. I know we've won some illustrious award for our trees and revitalized downtown and stuff (Did we even with that this year? I have no idea).

But Winnipeg could be so much better! Take for example the "lets not plow the sidewalks" thing. Shouldn't walking be encouraged? Not just encouraged, but not HAZERDOUS! Especially downtown, where the majority of pedestrian traffic is. It's hard enough encouraging people to walk without the added insentive of broken bones and sludge-drenched pants. Also, think of senior citizens and those with wheele chairs or other disabilities.

Has anyone been on the bike/rollerblade trails in Brandon? They are awesome! You can actually get around almost the entire city by bike and rollerblades. They aren't the greatest trails if you'er in a super rush, b/c at times the trail meanders down the scenic route, but still GREAT! Yes, Winnipeg is a lot bigger, but it would still be manageable to connect various parts of the city with trails to encourage healthy activity as well as environmentally friendly ways of commuting. I heard an urban myth-type roumer that there's, like, a 500m bike-only lane along main street or another major avenue. Wow!

Winnipeg needs to make it safe for those choosing to commute in a way that both helps the environment and lessens the traffic on our over-used highways. AND bus fare went up! It now costs $2.00 for a ride! What the hell!,p> If anyone knows of any petitions to sign or organizations to join in order to support Winnipeg becoming a greener city, leave a link in the comment box!!


At 8:48 PM, Blogger MEL said...

Forgot to add: Everyone do the "Best of Winnipeg" Survey in Uptown. Just click on the link under my profile. Who're the best local theatre troupe?? Theatre by the River!!

At 11:03 PM, Blogger James said...

you should see the... hm, how to be diplomatic... let's say "deliberate err" that goes on at city hall - I'm doing an ethnography of the culture there. Maybe you'd like to read it!?

At 11:48 PM, Blogger MEL said...

I defanitely would!


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