28 January, 2008

A Green Horizon

I just received an e-mail from Len Sawatsky, who is running for the Green Party in Winnipeg Centre, announcing the launch of his blog. It's very exciting! Everyone who knows me (and I think you'd get the impression after reading my blog) knows that I'm a passionate Green Party Member. However, I have been quite disappointed in the provincial Green Party's lack of organization. As such, I helped my good friend James run his campaign bid for the Liberals during the last provincial election (and he doubled the vote in the VERY conservative Springfield riding!) And I stand by my decision to support James and Jon Gerrard - both are brilliant, hard working guys who are right for Manitoba. But I am super excited that there's a Green Contender out there! And he's right in my riding of Winnipeg Centre.

So bring on the election and let's get the Green wave going! Woohoo!!


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