27 April, 2006

Just had to do the popular one

I just had to do the fun "Which movie/leader are you" tests. Very similar results as the Eyesnck one. A little shocked at the Leader description though! "I could destroy mankind"! What! Well, I guess if I put my mind to it I could ...

For those of you out there that know me (or think that you do!), are these the results you expected?

What's your personality like?

I was inspired by Rod's latest post, where he decided to take a personality test. I enjoy taking these tests from time to time, just to get an outside look at myself. When I took Intro: Psychology - about a lifetime ago now! - my prof was a personality psychologist, so we were constantly doing these things. I find it interesting. Keep in mind that you do have to take the same test multiple times in order to get an accurate result (good mood day vs. bad mood day). This is the result of my Eysenck Personality Test:

Eysenck's Test Results
Extraversion (57%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity. Neuroticism (50%) medium which suggests you are moderately worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Psychoticism (40%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

Martyr complex? Well, I guess I do tend to get a bit stepped on at times - cough cough. Am I overly talkative? I suppose I do always feel like I have to initiate conversation with people - the silence makes me anxious!

Changing topics .... I got to do some work on The Lookout last night! That was fun (as fun as film can be anyway - "hurry up! and ... wait"). I was the stand-in for Terry, a character played by a local actor named Sarah Constable. It's funny because when the last MTS commercial came out (where she's sitting on the bus) someone actually said to me "I thought that was you in that commercial." So hopefully I was a good stand-in! And the money's pretty damn good considering you do a whole lot of sitting around chatting with the crew. I think I memorized most of my lines for Comedy of Errors too!

Rod's b-day bash this weekend! Everyone come on out for some drinks at the Toad and some Improv. It'll be a good time to relax with friends (I can relax, I'm only MODERATELY worrying and anxious ....)

22 April, 2006

Earth Day 2006

Did you know:

Polar Bears face extinction in the next 20 years, due to the changing northern climate.

Recent studies show that the Arctic Sea ice has thinned by 43 percent over the last three decades.

Scientists believe that accidental drowning in fishing gear is the single greatest threat to the survival of many of the world's 86 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

9 million tons of CO2 = 2 million cars off the road.

Yes my friends and loyal readers, these are just 4 random facts that represent the infinite amount of reasons why everyone needs to be more conscious about the ways that their everyday activities impact the world around them. Do you commute by car regularly? Could you car pool or take the bus? Do you recycle? Do you leave the water on unnecessarily? Do you wash your clothes in hot water (get some Tide Coldwater - it works just as good!)

There are many ways that we can all do our part and make this a better, healthier world for everyone. With cancer, asthma, obesity on a staggering rise, we all need to look at how we can live greener and healthier.

While today is officially Earth Day, our concern for the planet needs to be ongoing. Awareness and consciousness, combined with action is what our world needs now! Please go to the World Wildlife Foundation to find out the small things that you can do everyday to make a difference!

20 April, 2006

Man, it's so beautiful!

Do you know what's worse than writing grant applications? Writing grant applications when it's so beautiful outside!!!

Stress is so nasty. I usually don't get sick, but I've been so busy trying to stay ahead of deadlines, prep for auditions, learn lines for Comedy of Errors and deal with lifes ups and downs that I've felt like crap for most of the past few months. It's so weird, usually I have a pile of energy, I'm in the gym everyday, and lately my favourite part of the day has been when I put my head on my pillow late at night and I know I won't have to lift it for a good few hours. I must shake this funk and get my self back in gear ... tomorrow.

Oh! If you happen to be cruising this blog from somewhere far far away, let me know if you want me to include you in my "Blogs from across the Globe" section under my links. I like browsing around seeing what folks in other parts of the world are up to. It's good to stay in touch in this global community, and to take a walk in someone else's shoes now and then.

Well, time to go bake some bread and then take a little nappy nap before going to see my Intro:Perforance class' play. Yep, they just decided "let's do a show" and now ... they're doing it! Ah, I'm so proud!

17 April, 2006


Today I turn 23.

Wow! I really don't feel 23 at all, and I still get ID'd every time I buy beer. So, I think I'm 23 going on ... 19? But I am quite mature ... well, that's a lie, I'm a dork most of the time, but much more wise than a 19 year old. Hmmm. 'Tis weird to be in this "early 20's" phase where we decided what path to choose, question the choices we've made, and are asking ourselves WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE?? Be an actor? Run a theatre company? Write plays? Work with youth? Teach? WHAT!

And then I realize my life isn't even close to being half over (assuming I don't get hit by a bus tomorrow) so who really cares? So I don't know what I'm doing, nobody does! That's the point! It's not about where you end up in life, it's about the journey. And this is one great ride!

On a happy note, I got the part in Ugly Ducks, Pretty Swans! I will be playing Mal, the bully. Should be fun! I also auditioned for MTC today. It was good, short and sweet. Don't think I really suite the part that well (dry British humour just isn't me), but it's still good to audition. Keep the skills fresh!

April 17, 2006, the day I turn 23. Arrived back in Winnipeg after a relaxing weekend in the country, audition for a major theatre company, went out for Sushi with my Matthew, and enjoyed this beautiful spring day. Ah, life is good.

14 April, 2006

Look! It's a window!

So, Mayor Sam Katez put his foot firmly in his mouth this past week, when honouring Winnipeg's women's Olympic athletes. At the ceremony in Old Market Square he said that he felt "like Hugh Hefner" amongst the women. Yes, lets compare these decorated athletes to the Playboy bunnies shall we! AH! I'm not a feminist, but for anyone out there who actually thinks that women and men have achieved equality in the world, think again. There are so many hurdles left to clear! I think Mr. Katez did not mean any ill-will, he just didn't even consider what he was saying, and how it contributed to the problem of women being objectified.

Well, I'm off tomorrow for Bruxelles! I haven't been home for Easter in 5 years, and haven't been out at all since Christmas. I've had a very stressful few weeks, with general auditions coming up (more stress!) so I'm very excited to just unwind and not have to think about anything going on her in Winnipeg and with our theatre company. I'm doing OK, slowly recovering from the monster blow, but it just takes a long time when someone completely pulls the rug out from under you to get your feet firmly back on the ground, and to trust that it won't be ripped out again. Trust ... something I'm lacking right now.

But, just to show that when one door closes, another opens, I heard about an audition for a different kid's show for the Fringe this summer, by Primrose Knazan. It was a great audition, I did a section of Charlotte's Web called "Escape." I found out yesterday that I got a callback! I loved working on Charlotte's Web, the wonders of great storytelling. I'm hoping to write a stage adaptation of the story, I think it could be great!

So I get to do the callback tomorrow morning, then go and see my Matthew's touring show The History of Manitoba from the Beginning of Time to the Present in 45 Minutes! Then it's off to fill the car up with gas (ugh) and rehearse for Comedy of Errors. It'll be a busy day, but worth it when we get outside the perimeter highway and off into the wide open spaces!

10 April, 2006

The end is near

I just finished my final university paper EVER!! ooooo, this is a dear diary moment people. However, I don't think this one really counts as a paper, as it's a take-home exam. Plus this is one of my weaker papers - far less creative then my usual standard. But he handed out the topics literally 30 minutes after I handed in my research paper which I slaved over for a month, so my enthusiasm had dwindled quite substatially. I will consider my Into the Woods paper my last paper, because I'm quite proud of it, and this my last exam, since it kind of sucks.

But, back the important bit: I'm GRADUATING! Yes, after 18 years of school, this girl is taking a year off! Unless I get into the Stratford school .... right. Hey, miracles happen everyday! Now I have to measure my head, fill out the rental forms for the cap and gown, and get ready for the looooong graduation ceremony. Oh, and pay the fee. Damn, they just have to give you one last kick out the door, eh? "So, you're graduating with an BAH, have no savings, and no "real job" to go into ... How about giving us MORE money." Jerks! I think education should be free for everyone! I say if you can maintain a c+ or B average, you shouldn't have to pay tuition. Who's with me?

If you read the editorials in the Free Press today, you'd have read about the upcoming conference that the UofW's Global College is hosting which will tackle the many issues surrounding child soldiers in August of 2006. Lloyd Axworthy says the college "serves as a dynamic catalyst for new ideas, critical thinking and open discourse on issues of global significance affecting our local and global communities." Click on the link under "Be Informed!" for more info! Try to check out the speakers that the college brings in when you can - very interesting and illuminating on the crazy world we live in, and what everyone can do to make it a better place!

08 April, 2006

Picking up the pieces

I've been a puddle on the floor

I've been more angry then I've ever been

I've been disrespected and manipulated

I've been in pieces

I've let myself hit below the belt

I won't do that again

I've discovered that "you're only a doormatt if you lie down"

I've gotten close, but I'm picking myself up

Re-evaluating, processing

Making my boundaries very, VERY clear from now on

Growing some tuffer skin (but I still like it soft 99% of the time!)

I'm going to laugh, be optimistic, heal myself, BE myself

Stop writing bad-ass poetry

Finish my Shakespeare exam (ugh)

Make lists, let others help me

I'll be the best person I can be

Be as professional as I can

What happened will never be understandable or OK

I'll pick up the pieces

I'll put myself back together

04 April, 2006

Rollin' On

As most of you can probably guess by the last post, this past week SUCKED!! Ugh, I won't publish all the details to avoid further political difficulties within the company, but just let me tell ANYONE out there who is working professionally with anyone (strangers, friends, family) you MUST lay out your expectations for people in a contract and get it signed. I've learned that you must use short words and simple sentances, b/c "mis-understandings" can happen (when did common sense go out of style? I think it's still cool!) I thought this picture, posted on my friend James' blog, suited my mood from this past week pretty perfectly:

Anyway ...

I really have to finish my take-home essay exam for my Shakespeare course. I spent the past month stressing over my research paper for that course, and the fact that we were handed out the exam topics essentially 30 minutes after handing in the papers, blows monkey butt. I'm quite unmotivated. Do you ever find that when you have a boat load of crap to do, you can somehow find time to procrastinate? I've discovered a love for the RENT dvd with special features and Su-Do-Ku. Beautiful.

What's the verdict on the Conservative agenda delivered in parliment today? Anyone have major issues? I personally think there has to be some compromise on the daycare issue. No, daycares shouldn't be government run. I never went to daycare when I was little, b/c our store that my mom ran was attached to our house and my dad had his own business too. Esentially, why should parents who choose to stay home with their kids, or to work from home be ignored by a plan to simply set-up and fund government daycares. But, at the same time, do you really belive that the tax credit will always go to the kids? I'm conflicted.

But I am very glad that the Conservatives are talking to the NDP. Merging the left with the right in a balanced way could be a beautiful thing ... But I still vote Green baby!

Mel's reading recomendation for April: WICKED: the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire.

Well, time to get rehearsing monologues for some Fringe auditons this weekend. Yep, gotta auditon for another company's show. Well, at least it was a choice - or was I never consulted? Hmm ... it's a mystery!

MEL (recovering eternal optimist, NOT a doormatt)