22 April, 2006

Earth Day 2006

Did you know:

Polar Bears face extinction in the next 20 years, due to the changing northern climate.

Recent studies show that the Arctic Sea ice has thinned by 43 percent over the last three decades.

Scientists believe that accidental drowning in fishing gear is the single greatest threat to the survival of many of the world's 86 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

9 million tons of CO2 = 2 million cars off the road.

Yes my friends and loyal readers, these are just 4 random facts that represent the infinite amount of reasons why everyone needs to be more conscious about the ways that their everyday activities impact the world around them. Do you commute by car regularly? Could you car pool or take the bus? Do you recycle? Do you leave the water on unnecessarily? Do you wash your clothes in hot water (get some Tide Coldwater - it works just as good!)

There are many ways that we can all do our part and make this a better, healthier world for everyone. With cancer, asthma, obesity on a staggering rise, we all need to look at how we can live greener and healthier.

While today is officially Earth Day, our concern for the planet needs to be ongoing. Awareness and consciousness, combined with action is what our world needs now! Please go to the World Wildlife Foundation to find out the small things that you can do everyday to make a difference!


At 5:41 AM, Blogger Em said...

Hey Mel! The play is called Smaller and it was really very good, both funny and sad at the smae time, although i wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at some parts! Hope all is well with you!


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