03 February, 2008

Seriously? Give me a break

James caught this blog by Elizabeth May. Following my post: Surprises? I think it is quite an important finding. It seems like Stephen Harper prefers to look at pictures of himself rather than, you know, Canadian landscapes, past leaders and all that nonsense. Can you say ... FRIGHTENING.

Good gravy, when is the next election? Get this yahoo out of here!!!

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02 February, 2008


The Conservatives have put the muzzle on scientists, preventing them from speaking to the media before getting approval from the government - they can then use government approved language. This is to prevent John Baird from being "surprised" by what he reads in the paper in the morning.

Dude, your government has proven to be completely inadequate when dealing with the environmental crisis. This government runs like it's 1952 - attempting to muzzle those "crazys" who are out spreading the word about the warming climate ("they're clearly 'on the pot'), trying to keep its voter base insulated from reality. Surprisingly this 'new' government looks really red to me - and it's not liberal Canadian red I'm talking about.

Midnight firings, hostility, condescension, and censorship. Is this the government for Canada?

On the bright side, the adage of "healthy earth, healthy life" is catching on as more and more people are recognizing the connective tissue between our environment and our health. Shocking, I know! I'll end this post with a link to the Sierra Club's article on Health and Environment. There are some great links and lots of information. Check it out!!

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