I find myself being in constant limbo: eternal optimism combined with sharp cynicism.
"I think all people are truly good at heart" ... fuck I hate people most of the time.
The world is going to hell in a handbag ... BUT, maybe not ...
Enter (Product) RED. Spearheaded by Bono, backed up by heavyweights like Spielberg, Oprah, Alycia Keys etc, the RED movement is using the power of the consumer to help buy Anti-retroviral medicine in Africa. I love campaigns like this, where everyday people who assume that they can't make a difference in the world, CAN. When you buy a RED product, you will be donating money to stop the spread of aids, and to help those living with aids to have quality lives. 40 cents a day buys the anti-retroviral drugs for a person. For 40 cents a day, you can save a life. Christmas is coming, people will inevitably buy stuff, why not give RED gifts? There's a whole price range of products, from T-Shirts at the GAP, to iPOD nano's from Apple, you can support the movement. The more consumers choose the RED products, the more brands will become RED.
I hate consumerism, but at least people can see the power of the consumer. Where and what you choose to buy, whether it's local, organic or RED, can make a difference.
Also, there's a new campaign by the government of Manitoba called Seeing Green in MB that outlines why Seeing Green is beneficial to our health, economy and way of life, as well as easy steps that everyone can take to be greener.
Today, eternal optimism wins!