13 February, 2007



I just did the first school performance of Ugly Ducks, Pretty Swans. So fun! I love doing theatre, especially theatre with a point.

In other news: The Assiniboine Park Cricket Pavilion has confirmed that we can use their space for our outdoor show this summer, and our 2nd choice for our October venue has also confirmed (Now, if only the 1st choice would call back ...) Currently working on the MAC grant. We have a Production Manager who looks like she's going to be fabulous and save us A LOT of headaches. Lots is happening, it's hard to keep up. I'm so excited to do the official "2007 Season" post. It's coming, don't you worry!

Everything is clicking along. If only I had a job that I liked. It's not that I hate my jobs - The Y's been very good to me, I like working with almost all of my Respite clients. I just feel ... bored. Like I'm wasting my time. Nothing really challenges me enough to make me want to go that extra mile. I feel like I'm just hanging in Limbo, waiting for the time when I can wake up every morning and be excited to go to work, and not feel like I'm just trudging through another day to pay the bills. I suffer from the winter blahs quite badly, it's not fun.

James Johnston is running in the next provincial election. I'm so excited to work on his campaign (he's not running as a Green, but still on a sustainable, progressive platform. More to come!) Where do you get your energy from James? Sometimes when I think that I'm "just too busy!" I think of you and feel lazy. How do you do it?

Time for bed. I can feel my body fighting off whatever infection is going around now (does it every end?) It's so weird not having Matt here. He's touring Love You Forever (and other stories) with PTE right now. He's all over the province for over a month! Ah! But I'm proud of him, he's doing a great job.

Toodles for now cyber-space!


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Mel! I'm working on James' campaign too, we'll get to spend some time together. I look forward to it!

Keep in touch k?


At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you sugar.
13 days... 13 days...


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