27 February, 2007


I might be a little biased, but I think that Ms. Alundra Elder is quite a profound poet. Here are some words of inspiration from one of this world's youngest voices:


I dream of a place that’s full of flowers,

And everyone’s equal and has fair amounts of power.

I dream of a place that has no war,

Guns, knives and murders no more.

I dream of a place that has education,

For all of the children with wide imaginations.

I dream of a place that everything is right,

So we won’t be afraid of sleeping at night.

If you want a world like this to come true,

You may find it will take people like you.

My Ideal World

In my world, everyone has clean water to drink,

And everyone has their own space to think.

They have a shelter over their heads,

And at night they sleep in their cozy beds.

All the people are equal and treated the same,

And no one is called Famous or any other special name.

Everyone has enough food to eat and to be enjoyed,

And everyone has money because they’re all employed!

Some people aren’t so lucky though, and aren’t so healthy,

But they can visit hospitals, without being wealthy.

And if you are a person with a positive attitude,

If you believe in yourself you can make this world very, very true.

By Alundra Elder

Makes me think that maybe the world isn't doomed after all - if we all do our part that is!!

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At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog, too awsome. Congrats on the dove contest. I hope you win. Nest time your out out you'll have to stop in we al miss you. Love ya.
Sheena Knockaert


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