23 January, 2007


I handed in the WAC grant for Theatre by the River today!! YES!!!! I started it over 3 weeks ago, and still spent until the wee hours of the morning the past 2 nights perfecting it. SO STRESSFUL! It's so frustrating trying to get into the heads of the "grant assessment panal" and to know what they're thinking. I am defanitely going to ask the company if they can pay for me to take a workshop on grant writing. As much as I can ask questions to Hope McIntyre and call WAC for clarification, there's just too much stuff to communicate and clarify. Hopefully that can happen in the next year so I'll be more confident in myself in the future.

But, the end result looks good and professional (I hope!), so maybe we'll get some funding this year!

I've been insanely busy lately (I thought things were going to calm down after Christmas ...?) I recently started taking a class at the Actors Training Centre of Manitoba with Jeff Skinner. I really like it. I was able to start in the intermediate class based on my resume, which is nice. The class portion is still pretty basic, but I'm learning tonns about "the biz", and Jeff has been pushing me in my scene work, which is great.

I haven't been able to see a lot of Stoppard shows yet (since I'm only home 2 nights a week, and one of them is Wednesday ...) But I did get to see Theatre Incarnet's Arcadia - highly recommended! The show is a long haul at over 2.5 hours, but it is so well done that the time flies, especially in the 2nd half when all the pieces start to fall together. The performances were great and the staging was dynamic, so it's a show to see!

I'm in rehearsal for 2 shows right now: Ugly Ducks, Pretty Swans, which played at the Fringe this summer, is going to do a small tour. I am also part of The Vagina Monologues. This show got off to a bit of a rocky start organization wise, but now it's smooth sailing. Come out and see it in April!!



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