13 November, 2006

Vancouver to Vancouver and a Green MP!

Congratulations to Tim Harvey, who completed his trip around the world on his own steam! He's spent 2 years sailing, cycling, walking and rowing himself across the globe, all to show that if he can get himself around the world without using fossil fuels, can't we all get ourselves to work and school using less?

Exciting news is brewing! Will the Greens finally have an MP in the house? You can help make it happen!

Elizabeth May, the new leader of the Green Party of Canada, is running in the by-election in London North Centre. The need for a Green Party voice in the House of Commons is more urgent than ever before. Developments in the last two weeks highlight this urgent need:

1. The Stern Report, released in the UK, predicts that climate change will cost up to $7 trillion and will be more catastrophic than two world wars and a depression combined. Melting glaciers and rising sea levels could displace 200 million people; and up to 40% of species face extinction. This report was not from an environmentalist but a former Chief Economist for the World Bank. Electing Elizabeth May in the London North Centre by-election will put a Green Party voice in Parliament that cannot be ignored. We need to have a fully funded campaign in this by-election. Go to www.elizabethmay.ca to support the campaign.

2. Marine scientists say that almost a third of the marine species now being caught have collapsed by more than 90% from their historical maximum catch. They warn that if we don't change the way we manage ocean species, then this is going to be the last century for any semblance of a healthy marine eco-system. Helping Elizabeth to win this by-election is the best way to ensure the magnificence of a diverse marine life on earth. 3. For the first time since 1990, Canadians are saying that the environment is their #1 concern. Canadians realize that we are on the brink of irreversible climate crisis. Stephen Harper's minority government is in clear violation of international law and the Kyoto protocol. The NDP have sacrificed Kyoto for their own short-term electoral advantage, and the Liberals talked a good line but did nothing.

Canadians are waking up to the peril in which our Liberal and Conservative governments are putting the future of our children and grandchildren and all life on earth. Mr. Harper wants to rip up the Kyoto Protocol while under 12 years of Liberal rule, emissions rose by 25%. Electing Elizabeth will finally force the old-line political parties to act! Donate to Elizabeth's campaign at www.elizabethmay.ca to help make history! We need to elect Elizabeth May. We need a Green Party voice in the House of Commons.

This will be the largest campaign in Green Party history. We are budgeting to raise the maximum allowable $88,119.87 and the campaign will involve more than 10,000 hours of volunteer time as we work to canvass and phone every elector up to three times.

Elizabeth needs your help. The campaign has raised $40,000 but we are still $48,000 short of our goal. Make History: Elect Elizabeth

* Elizabeth is the only national leader running in London North Centre

* Elizabeth is the only female leader of a national political party

* Electing Elizabeth will profoundly change this Parliament. Electing any of the candidates from the three old-line traditional parties will change nothing.

* Only electing Elizabeth will ensure that the issues of climate change, marine life depletion in our oceans, smog, Afghanistan and poverty will even be discussed in the next election and televised leaders' debates.

* By supporting Elizabeth's campaign you will be helping to make history.

The by-election campaign in London North Centre is historic - for these critical reasons:

* The one million Canadians who say they have decided to vote Green in the next federal election deserve a voice in Parliament;

* Out of the four major party candidates running, only Elizabeth will profoundly change this Parliament;

* Electing the first Green to a Canadian parliament: will be news that is heard around the world;

* Elizabeth May is committed to raising the bar for political discourse through the rejection of the politics of the personal and the elevation of the trivial. She will act to restore dignity and non-partisan cooperation to advance solutions in the House of Commons.

* We can avert the $7 trillion economic cost of climate change and avoid tripping the "tipping points" in atmospheric chemistry that could flood every coastal city, melt the ice caps and create permanent drought over much of the planet, by forcing action soon. By electing Green Party leader Elizabeth May, voters in London North Centre will be sending a clear message to all the old line parties that we will no longer accept the disintegration of our life support system under the weight of our careless exploitation of the planet.

How You Can Help:

1. Make a donation to Elizabeth's campaign today by going to www.elizabethmay.ca or www.greenparty.ca and click on the red button on the right side of the page. Or you can mail a cheque made out to: "L. Loretta Pellizzari, Official Agent, Elizabeth May Campaign" to:

The Elizabeth May Campaign Office 211 Dundas St London, Ontario N6A 1G4 Tel: (519) 850 4MAY (4629); or (519) 913-2474

Corporations and trade unions can also make political donations of up to a total of $1,000 per calendar year - "L. Loretta Pellizzari, Official Agent, Elizabeth May Campaign" and mail it to the campaign office above.

On donations of up to $1,275 you get the majority of you donation back as a deduction on your federal tax payable. See the table below.

2. Forward this email to your friends, family and contacts. We can all make a profound difference by campaigning in this by-election!

3. Go to www.elizabethmay.ca and find how you can get involved! For instance, more than 120 Green Party members throughout Canada have volunteered to be part of the "virtual phone bank" organized by Phil Spidle (pspidle@greenparty.ca)

Take action! Get involved. Volunteer. Canvass. Phone. Join. Blog. Email friends. Come to London! Rebecca Bromwich Rebecca Bromwich Chair Campaign to Elect Elizabeth May Sharon Labchuk Sharon Labchuk Campaign Manager Campaign to Elect Elizabeth May Disponible en français Authorized by the Official Agent for the Elizabeth May Campaign Information: slabchuk@greenparty.ca Subscribe | Unsubscribe


At 6:09 AM, Blogger Tuco said...

Complicated Kindness was awesome, I was kind of ho-hum about Kite Runner though.

Check out:

it's a petition asking the Fed. Gov to promote cycling as a preferred means of transportation. If you agree with the idea, pass the link on to any cycling friends! Thanks!

At 5:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ilupesa OÜ - Siin sünnib ilu!


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