02 September, 2006

Stuff to do


Elizabeth May, newly elected leader of the Green Party of Canada will be in Winnipeg on Sunday, September 3 from 11:20am til 12:25pm at the Winnipeg CN train station, 123 Main St, Wpg.

Elizabeth is travelling across Canada on Viarail and will conduct Whistle-stop rallys at any station where time and the train schedule permits.

You are invited! Please bring all Green Party members, green supporters and anyone else who would just like to meet our dynamic new leader and hear her inspirational view of a new, greener Canada.

Do come out if you can, Elizabeth is always a treat to listen to!

As for myself, aside from crazy Green rallys and Comedy of Errors, I'm trying to put together my fall schedule. I will be TA'ing 2 classes at the university, both of which were very last minute - but it's nice to be in demand for something at least (maybe I'll be a teacher after all ... *shudder*). In any case, I'll be working with the most eccentric Shelagh Carter, and the very lovely Hope MacIntyre. Alas, since I didn't actually apply to be a TA this year, I won't get to work with Ian again, but I am meeting with him next week. I'm hoping to help with Red Roots - they need to do another play!!

I will still be putting in a few shifts a week at the Y, as well as doing some community respite work. Once again, Mel is back to working 3 jobs.

Comedy is going very well, and our goal now is to have 1000 people see it by the end of the closing show on September 10th. Winnipeg has been very supportive in this venture (when we had to cancel Thursdays show due to rain, Matt and I waited at the site until 7:15, just in case. 11 people still showed up, rain gear in hand, ready to see the show despite the gale-force winds and imminent rain. Bless them!) After this show is done I'll have a bit of a break. I'm doing a reading of a one-woman show for FemFest which I'm very excited about, but no actual show planned until next summer. Weird, I've been doing shows one after the other for almost 2 straight years now, so this will be a very scary - but very necessary - break to get my feet back on the ground and figure out where to go next.

Post in summary: come out tomorrow to meet Elizabeth May, come to see Comedy of Errors, Mel has no prospect of full-time employment, but she's at peace with that and has more than enough to keep her busy this fall.

Until next time, think green, enjoy the dwindling days of summer, and smile!


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