18 September, 2006


Glad to see this article on the CBC. It is a big world after all ...

I was watching American television this AM and they were talking about Islam and the reaction to the Pope's speech on the 15th, which was criticized by Muslim's because it essentially implied that their faith is based on violence. He quoted a Byzantine emperor who said a command by Mohammed to spread his faith by the sword was "evil and inhuman." The fallout from the speech has, of course, been violent, with churches being burned and a nun allegedly being killed (that was still speculation this morning ....)

The conversation of the hosts was, of course, that protesters should not use violence when protesting a comment that Islam is violent - I defanitely agree with that. However, I was very disturbed when the conversation lead to a "where are the moderate leaders when this violence is happening? Why aren't they standing up and condeming this violence?" One of the hosts said that "if there were moderates they would be speaking out."

I take this to mean that she thinks that all Muslims are extremists. WHAT. There are MILLIONS of muslims around the world, and if they were all closet extremists, don't you think the world would be more crazy then it is? Plus, there are moderate Muslims wanting to speak out, but they have a very hard time finding their way onto American Talk-shows. I wonder why?

Well, that's my rant for the day. What a crazy world we live in.


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everytime I see these reports on the news, I still shake my head in wonderment at the people who don't see the irony in "Call me violent? I'll Kill You!!!" Your protests against accusations of violence would be taken much more seriously if they were not accompanied by....hmmm, violence? All these people are doing now is just proving the point of all the tsk, tsking people at home who paint an entire religion with one brush.


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