11 September, 2006

moving on ... always forward


And we've come to the end of season 1 of Theatre by the River. I'm not sure how I feel about that ... Here are some random sampling:

Relieved, exhausted, sad, post-show depression, EXCITEMENT, relief ... RELIEF. It was such a roller-coster this year. Such huge successes combined with giant internal problems that caused way too much stress to Matt and myself. But we learn, make some changes, and carry on. Moving on ... always forward.

I miss Dromio already ... he was a fun little guy. A great friend, went with the flow, such a quick thinker (so clever!), emotional, fun. Yeah, he will always be one of my favourite characters - a character that rifted off of the truest parts of myself if I do say so myself. Yes I'm emotional, known to cry on occassion, but I'm pretty low-maintanence and fun to hang out with, right?

But, change of topic!

I was very excited to open my paper this weekend to discover that the Fort Whyte Centre had given itself a make-over! It is now: ForteWhyte Alive Human. Nature. I defanitely want to go check it out, hopefully go for a day of canoe or kayaking, take a hike ... sweet sweet time off and fresh air - I love it! Hopefully this new face-lift will draw more young people to the centre to enjoy the simplicity and beauty of our prairie environment. I defanitely think they should BAN cell phones on any nature preserve.

And hummers on network television. I was watching CSI: Miami tonight (I know! Free time, it's so weird - and TV is so bad, but such a guilty pleasure. You're brain doesn't have to work at all, it's so relaxing! ... Wait, what does that say about the medium?). Anyway, if I have to see Horatio Cane zooming around in that damn Hummer one more time, I might scream. AH!!!!!


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