28 August, 2006

Yay, it's May!

By capturing 65.3% of the votes, Elizabeth May has become the next leader of the Green Party of Canada!

I am very excited, because I think that May has what it takes to get the Green Party focused and into the media, and thus into the minds of all Canadians. She has an amazing work ethic (has anyone read How to Save the World in Your Spare Time?) and the ability to raise the party from its traditional "one issue" brand.

From the mouth of May:

"We will have influence. We will exert power, but to be a majority government, as the mark of whether or not we're successful, is the wrong goal. It's not that it's unrealistic; it's the wrong goal because the issues are too pressing."

One more reason why the Greens are gaining momentum:

From Green politics sprouting roots in Alberta by Graham Thompson (Wpg Free Press, Sunday August 27th).

"One issue of growing concern to farmers involves coalbed methane, which is a technical term for natural gas found inside coal seams. Since 2002, energy companies in Alberta have been drilling deep holes into the coal to fracture the seams to free the gas, which is then brought to the surface.

In theory, the process is supposed to be clean, efficient and not allow any methane to seep into nearby water tables. In practice, some farmer discovered there was enough gas in the water tables that when they turned on the kitchen tap they could set the gas/water mixture on fire.

Hundreds of farmers have shown up at public meetings to discuss their concerns with officials from Alberta Environment, who maintain there is no proof linking the coalbed drilling to height concentrations of methane in the drinking water. If there's gas in the water, it got there through natural fractures in the coal, officials insist.

Farmers are incredulous. They point to contaminated wells, sick cattle, and the flame thrower in the kitchen sink."

So, here we go. The Greens have a strong leader to corral us into the next phase of politics. Where do we go from here? Can we make a difference? Of course, because everyone has the ability to foster change and to promote sustainability. With May at the wheel, I just hope that the message about how to do it, and why it is so critically important at this time in history, reaches as many people as possible.

Or maybe a water fountain that can sprout fire is what we all secretly want?


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