A weekend in Bruxelles

Amanda and her husband Terence - They survived the first year of marriage, which is supposed to be the brutal test. And they're still smiling!
My Ginger. He's 18 years old, I got him when I was five. He's deaf and almost blind, but all the dogs in town are still scared of him.
Gypsy, the adopted town dog (random dogs will just show up in town, people will just drop them off if they don't want them anymore. Cruel jerks!) But what a purty evening. My mom is training for the half marathon with Kim, Amanda's mom, so I joined them for a run Friday night. So good to run outside and not breath exhaust fumes.
Amanda and I at the social - good times!
Ok, I've had my fun sharing pictures, I promise! Back to my usual bitching, nagging blogs in the future.
too bad your tits aint as big as hers, from Matt
oh, trust me,
she makes up for it in many other ways.
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