A Message from Thailand
My roommate last year, Nichole Huck, has been in Thailand this past winter. She is a journalist who just graduated from the University of Regina. She's worked for the CBC in the past, and now she is doing some freelance stories for them on her experience working with street children in Thailand. She was interviewed on CBC Saskatchewan morning news a few days ago. Click on the link to hear her inter
view! http://www.cbc.ca/morningedition/. What I loved about the interview was that so much of what she is learning across the ocean is applicable here. For example, giving money to these young children on the streets is not a good idea, as it encourages more parents to send their children out begging, exposing them to a greater risk for pediphiles and violence. BUT, tourists should instead support local agencies that are helping these children to get off of the streets and to get an education. A great organization here in Winnipeg is RAY (resource assistance for youth - their link is on the right).
I'm so proud of Nichole, she's such an amazing person. She's finishing a documentary now, and hopefully I can get my paws on it in the future and somehow find a way to upload it to my blog (all of my computer savy friends, send me your knowledge!)
I decided that I had to share some of her pictures as well, because they're spectacular!
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