02 June, 2006

Isn't it inconvenient

I'm so excited that this film is finally out! I hope that lots of people go out and see it, because that would definitely send a message to the world's governments that the environment is at the top of the priority list of many people. Roger Ebert wrote: "The director, Davis Guggenheim, uses words, images and Gore's concise litany of facts to build a film that is fascinating and relentless. In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to."

It is so true that so many people view climate change as being "terrible" but they make no effort in their everyday lives to make a difference because it's too inconvenient. For example, this past weekend a group of cyclists in the city staged another weekly demonstration along the downtown streets. They get together during Friday rush-hours and cycle as a group to promote alternative transportation as being both good for the environmental, as well as for health. Police asked the group to disband because they were holding up traffic, and when the group refused some members were arrested (there's a whole side claiming police brutality, bnothingg's beconfirmedend yet). Anyway, in the Free Press the next day, this guy wrote in that having these "yahoos" on the streets "slowing traffic" was annoying and they should just take their protests elsewhere. I recycled that paper, but I wish I had kept that letter to the editor, because it was a perfect example of why everyone needs to see films like An Inconvenient Truth, because the cyclists in the demonstration were not thinking of themselves, they were not out to ruin the lives of all of those driving around them - they were out to spread the word on an alternative choice for commuters that will help the environment as well as thewaistlinenes. Yes, stopping the mass abuse that we are causing the planet will probably cost a lot of money, but I think that making a buck destroying the planet is completely unacceptable. I would like my little cousin to grow up to be my age and still be able to go up north to see the polar bears, but if momentum keeps swinging against the environment like it is, that just won't happen. It's so sad, BUT PREVENTABLE!

Today was beautiful! I love summer! It was a bummer having to work, but as soon as I got off I went down to the village to get my hair cut and do some window shopping. I went home and made some pizza and knew that I had to get working on my audition pieces for Stratford, but I couldn't stay in side, so I decided to go to the library to hunt down some Arden Shakespeare's. To my suprise, the library closes early on Fridays (people don't go to the library on Fridays? What!?) But I had a nice walk, and then got down to some work. Matt and I met with David Warburton on Thursday to go over our audition pieces for Stratford. He's so hilarious, and a very generous fellow! Next week: Offbook for Wallflowers and Wildflowers, Offbook for Ugly Ducks, present 3 pieces to David Warburton, work on 2 songs that I have to sing in front of people on the 15th! This weekend: work, go see A Midsummer Night's Dream, GRADUATE! Busy busy!

I'm very glad to be busy though, I'm very fortunate! But hopefully I'll have time to head over to the theatre to see An Inconvenient Truth! If you're looking for something to do Sunday night, it's the grad party for the theatre grads at the King's Head. Woot!


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