04 June, 2006

Class of 2006

Writing this bit from a computer in the library:

Just arrived at the school for graduation. First thing I noticed is that all of the girls have really nice black heels. It said that black shoes are "recommended" - I didn't take that seriously. It's hot and humid outside, so I went comfort all the way. Got my nice green and white striped socks and brown sneaks. But, I must say that I look quite put together with the ol' cap and gown.

It's always at these formal occassions where I realize that my idea of getting dressed up is drastically different than everyone elses. So I'm left thinking "well, at least I'm unique, just being myself" while the little voice in my head that reads the covers and first few pages of fashion magazines in the check-out lines goes "who in their right minds would want to be you? You're a dork."

Ah, well, whatever. Time to go line up and to remain in that position for the next 3 hours. Stay tuned!

Writing this bit from the comfort of home:

That was the longest f'ing thing ever. 8 pages of names, holy crap. I must say that, although I was quite casual about graduating, the meaning of the day didn't hit me until the grads started filing into the Duckworth, which was PACKED, and everyone started clapping. It was amazing! I got a little tear in my eye . . .

In short, the ceremony was too long, the gowns were polyester and didn't breath, but my partents were right there after I got my diploma, as well as Patti who gave me a big hug! So, it was totally worth it. Branigans after was great, as well as the par-tay at the King's Head!

Congratulations to everyone who graduated! We did it! We survived! All the papers, assignments, scenes, productions, exams ... it's all over. AH!

Now, into the world!


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