02 May, 2006

The Torie Budget

"Good from far, but far from good"

This is a quote from one of my old guy friends from high school, describing the search for girls at social functions (bars, socials, etc.) The look good from far, but once you get closer you see what the make-up and flashy clothes are covering. I would use this quote to describe the latest Torie budget. At first you see "tax break, tax break, tax break!" You quickly, however, see that the tax breaks really only give a break to the biggest spenders. Also, where do you think all of the money to make up the money lost on the GST cut etc. is going to come from?

Already, the Kyoto accord has been cut. Ths is DISASTEROUS. The world is in a crux, the weather is becoming more unstable, we're losing the ice caps, dependant upon unrenewable resources, pollution is abundant. I could go on for pages and pages about how we cannot wait any longer to finally DO something about the corner we are backing ourself into in regards to how we are taking advantage of the planet. A dark day is coming, and let me tell you, a country as dependant upon its natural resources as Canada is, should be paying attention. We made a committment to the planet with the Kyoto accord, and I am ashamed that we will fail.

Kelowna accord CUT. Yep, finally all of the provinces and native leaders had aggreed on a PLAN (aka ACTION) to fix the wrongs done to Aboriginals in this country that have been multiplying with each passing generation. The native population is the fastest growing in Winnipeg, and if we don't do something to give a hand up, and not just a hand out with talk talk talk, the results will not be good. Kelowna was different than past promises of money, because a clear plan about how the money would be spent to help with housing, education, and unemployment had been made between native groups and government leaders. All talk and no action makes the problem get bigger, not go away.

I don't even want to know what cuts will be made to the arts. As the co-founder and director of a new theatre company, I am very nervous. It's almost impossible to get funding now, what'll it be like next year?

I'm very nervous about where Canada is headed. Very, very nervous.

But I can't end this post on a sad note, so here's some light in the tunnel:

Matt and I got auditions for the Stratford Conservatory! I have between now and July 4th to get myself in prime audition mode. Planning to meet with all the Shakespeare gurus in Winnipeg. Not a good chance of actually making the final cut this year, but I want to make a good impression. At the very least, I'll have 3 new audition monologues for next year!

The cast and crew of Ugly Ducks, Pretty Swans met at Theresa's AMAZING apartment (a loft in the Exchange, pretty much EVERYTHING I want in a living space in the future) for the first read-through/contract signing. I have very good vibes for this play, and am eager to get moving forward.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Art Hornbie said...

I'm with you. I simply cannot fathom the intellect of Canadians. I feel trapped by the collective will (the Conservatives) and wonder why abandoning Kyoto doesn't make the government fall.

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. Aston martin vanquish toy Diet dairy swollen nose job rhinoplasty surgery reshaping Cucumber dancing


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