08 May, 2006

Good Riddance

Tonight, I am printing out the completed application form for the Winnipeg Arts Council. It's been a long process putting this thing together, especially since it's for a project I don't have any particular passion for anymore (in fact, a twinge of loathing), but I'm glad that I did it. This has been a lesson in how the world can be a bitch and step on your face, but you have to be a professional, grit your teeth and keep moving forward. And I've learned a lot of skills that'll help me in the future. One step at a time. And after this, I wash my hands. I foresee dropped balls (some have dropped already) but it is now no longer my problem. Ready, 1, 2, 3, and a BIG sigh of relief - Ahhhhh. Now onto Ugly Ducks, Pretty Swans, which encompasses all of the fun and professionalism of a great show, without the bullshit. Plus it'll probably be a tour in the fall! Woot!!

Comedy of Errors is coming together. Comedy is hard, very hard. It's all in the timing and if you miss it, you fall smack on your face, and that really hurts (not the face so much, but the pride). But we're done blocking the show, and now we're just running it, fixing bits, running some more. Building the set, props, costumes ... ugh, long way to go, but it'll be great when we get there!

So I totally screwed up a few posts ago when I said I did stand-in for The Lookout, it was actually The Good Life, which I found out on Sunday doing a reading at MAP and I was talking to Darcey Fehr and I was like "we worked together a few weeks ago on The Lookout" "I didn't work on the Lookout" "Really? You must have a twin with the same first name" "who did you stand-in for?" "Sarah Constable" "Really? We did The Good Life together" "Really? Was it?" Yeah, that pretty much sums up what a total dork I am when it comes to "the business" since I can't remember names, dates, STUFF I'VE WORKED ON. Love of god, some days I wonder . . . At least I won't ever be that annoying name-droppy person. I'm more of the "Yeah, I think I worked with that woman, what was her name? Ugh, you know, brown hair .... what's her name? With the shirt." Yep, that's me, a total ass.

In this time of crisis with the Conservative "every man for himself" reign, where the environment (and low-income) people will inevitably get screwed, I just wanted to hook all of my loyal reader up with the Green Party Blog. This is their 2006 Platform. You'll notice that it contains a lot of common sense and less "crazy radicalism" then you'd expect from the coffee-shop talk of the "wacky socialists". We're not that wacky, we just care. And so should you!!