28 May, 2006

Can you say Control Freak?

It seems Stephen Harper's desperate need to control EVERYTHING in government doesn't just extend to what questions the press can ask him, but also what members of his cabinet can comment on. Apparently he placed a gag order on all of his MPs in regards to the upcoming marriage of two gay Canadian mounties. Mr. Harper needs to learn how to take criticism an itsy bit better now that he's in power, because he is making policy and budget announcements that leave much to be criticised! He needs to realize that he is no longer representing the Conservatives, but also the entire, diverse country. Also, what kind of message does he send by gagging his MPs? "You can't be trusted to think and speak at the same time, but sure, you can be a part of our party and help to govern the country!" Good gravy, that's pathetic!

I'm beginning to feel the crunch of the many projects I have on the go now. Comedy of Errors, Ugly Ducks, Wallflowers and Wildflowers, plus prepping for Stratford (and my good ol' regular job to pay the bills) are leaving my brain with little room to process information. No more words! I can't take anymore! AH!

Bravo to the cast of Assasins who pulled together a Stephen Sondheim musical in record time (2 weeks!) And I liked it, which says a lot because I usually HATE musicals. I go if I know people in the cast, and don't take it personally if I don't like the show, it's not your fault! I'm just not a "let's express our feelings through song and dance" kind of gal. But Assasins was twisted and funny enough to keep me from wanting to go to the bathroom and not come back. Accoustics in the MTYP theatre are a bit of a nightmare, but other than that, great!! Looking forward to Midsummer next weekend!


At 12:25 PM, Blogger Rod Beilfuss said...

UHm, beside C.O.E with yous guys, there's After Liverpool for the Fringe and Triumph of Love, jacquie's commedia thingy! They all open 10 days apart from each other; haha!


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »


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