25 January, 2006

The votes are in

The votes are in and we are now lead by a Torrie government ... hm... Well, at least it's a minority government, and the NDP have gained some ground. But, no matter what the result was, Liberal or Conservative, it would still not adequately reflect Canadians. We need to get rid of this "first past the post" system that is totally ancient, and evolve to representation by population. The Greens should have at least one seat in parliment. I know that in this riding alone 2000 people voted Green. It annoys me that as an active citizen, taking the time and responcibility to do my research on all of the parties, my views are not being represented.

Overall, it wasn't as bad as what I thought. I must confess that as the Liberal campaign was going down hill fast, and the possibility of Harper winning became probable, I never began to panick. It wasn't until that scary word "majority" started being tossed around that I began to think SHIT! I hate the whole "strategic voting" thing - where you vote to keep someone OUT of power, and not to support who you WANT to support - but I began to toss around the imminent possibility that I might have to vote for the Liberals (I know, the HORROR! It would have been like supporting those ridiculous adds and their fear-based campaign. I don't know if I could ever have done it ...) But, thankfully, I went with my gut and can still sleep at night.

I'm still worried about having a Conservative as the voice of Canada and the Canadian people. The Conservative agenda didn't mention ANYTHING about supporting the arts, and living downtown in the "hood" and working with under-priviledged kids, who are already falling through the cracks, I worry that we might completely lose them with a Conservative government that seems to be "fend for yourself". That's fine for me and other educated and priviledged people, who were given opportunities early in their lives and have chosen the right path in life. Unfortunately in the race of life, there are young people and adults out there with their legs tied. The race isn't fair, and our government needs to see that and support programs (like the United Way!) who don't just give people a hand out, but a hand up. That's my Canada. Now, to get away from politics .... The final run of Desire Under the Elms starts again tonight! Yay! I was really missing it. We got a bad review in the Free Press from Prokosh, but it was mostly a criticism of the play and our choice to present it as realism and not Greek Tragedy. But then he said that modern audiences couldn't relate to the play (and I'm assuming our performance of it); wouldn't they relate less to a huge greek-style performance of it? Whatever, all of his reviews have been nasty, so I actually feel lucky, and he seems to hate Eugene O'Neill (and so did all of the production companies doing his plays, so at least we're in agreement there!)And aparenlty lots of people have left with teary eyes, so I think that, even though it is a melodrama set in the late 1800's, audiences are still touched by the tragedy. HAHA!

Whatever the reviewers say, I've loved doing this play. It's been great to play a character totally unlike what I've done before. Now I feel like I can do anything! Come check it out Thurs-Sat. @ 7:30, Sunday @ 2:00!