10 January, 2006

Debate #2 & a Play!

Hm ... I've been thinking of what I want to say about the latest round of debates. Rehashing what was stated, the challenges made, accusations on the table, and all of the proposed platforms ... and I still don't know who I'd hate to see more as the next Prime Minister. Paul "it wasn't me" Martin or Stephen "I'm not Bush - really" Harper. I just don't know, and it frustrates me that inevitably it will be one of them on the front page of every paper on January 24th as the leader chosen by "the people" of Canada. All that sustains me is the fact that there are good people out there in every riding fighting the good fight, and those are the people we need to support by going out on January 23rd and voting. And this is NOT a 2 horse race! There's the NDP who need enough votes to hold the balance of power, the Greens who are fighting to get a million voters willing to put the environment first (and maybe one day they'll be invited to the debates as well) and many independents and small parties in every riding. Do your research and find the party closest to your values. If none exists, go and spoil your ballot - at least you've exercised your democratic right, and you've shown your frustration.

On a lighter (and hotter!) note ... my next show is opening next week on the 19th! Yay! I am in the UWTSA's production of Desire Under the Elms, which is part of O'NeillFest. Click the link under Sites to Surf for more info. Go to the university of Winnipeg Theatre Students' Association for information on how to reserve tickets. Try to see as many shows in the festival as you can, as they're put on by small companies that work hard to find the funding to put their shows on the stage!

I'm very excited to be doing this show. It's extremely raw and very challenging, as the character is outside of what I'm usually type-cast as. It's exciting - and scary - to have such a huge challenge. We're into the final stretch of rehearsals where the finish-line is in sight. We just need to get there by the time the curtain goes up on Thursday night!