30 December, 2005

Reflecting on 2005

2005 is coming to an end. What a crazy year!! I finished the honours acting program at the UofW, started a theatre company with Matt (Theatre by the River), the Bruxelles Pussycats once again kicked city butt in softball, I moved in with Matt, quit serving tables (yes!), continued lifeguarding (boo!) Eternal O! was a Fringe success, and I got a job as a Teacher's Assistant for an Intro: Performance class taught by Ian Ross (awesome!).

It was a great year! The most significant changes have come in how I view my future in theatre now that I'm past the safety-net of school. I think I took more control of my future this year, looking beyond the UofW bubble. I fully realize now how important it is for me to continue to create my own work both through writing and through Theatre by the River, because sitting around waiting for the phone to ring sucks monkey butt! And I've been lucky, jumping from project to project - yay work! Hopefully, this momentum will continue to pick-up in 2006! I chose to use the cast photo from my last UofW show with this post. Hopefully, I'll have many pictures of future projects to share!! But for now, let us take a moment to remember A Midsummer Night's Dream, the best bloody university show ever!


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